

The eHealth-Hub for cancer is developing software and frameworks to harmonize, unify and connect clinical data to support all-island cancer research.

  • All-island characterization of Blood Cancer patient data

    will enable network observational health studies in Haematological Malignancies. In partnership with colleagues in Blood Cancer Network Ireland, we will build data dictionaries, maps and tools to harmonize and network;

    • Adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
    • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
    • Multiple myeloma (MM)

In mapping blood cancer data to a widely used common data model (OMOP), Irish patients can participate in EU-wide networked blood cancer research.

Global Blood Cancer studies using the OMOP common data model; Darwin EU Harmony Alliance Haematology Outcomes Network in Europe (HONEUR)

Solid Tumour Cancer studies using the OMOP common data model;


  • Harmonizing cancer clinical genomics data

  • will test standards, build methods and software that support harmonization of all-island cancer genomics data.

  • Cross-border Cancer Registries Cancer knows no border and neither do cancer registris

  • COVID-19 and cancer will study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer across the island of Ireland