Partners with eHealthHub for Cancer


The eHealthHub for Cancer is an all-island emerging hub of excellence funded by the Irish Higher Education Authority HEA Shared Island North-South Research Programme The eHealthHub for Cancer is lead by UL and QUB and Republic of Ireland partners in clinical and academic researchers at UCD, RCSI, UG, UCC.

See profiles of the researchers and clinical teams working with the eHealth-Hub.

Irish Society of Medical Oncology, the Irish Haematology Society, National Cancer Registries of IRE and NI, Cancer Trials Ireland, the Blood Cancer Network Ireland, the Lymphoma Forum of Ireland and the All-Island Cancer Research Institute

Global Partners

We are working with OHDSI and EHDEN, and Northeastern University OHDSI center and John Hopkins OHDSI to develop training programs for trainees in the eHealth-Hub, so we can join OHDSI as they make healthcare data FAIR at an unprecedented scale, creating new research and economic opportunities in eHealth.